The biggest news in the pornography case has come across. In this case, the accused businessman Rajkundra has got the biggest relief. The Magistrate's Court has granted bail on a modest sum of Rs 50,000. Let me tell you that Rajkundra, the husband of Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, was arrested by the Mumbai Police in the case. Raj Kundra has been in jail for the last two months.
Along with Raj Kundra, Ryan Thorpe has also been granted bail. It is worth mentioning that Ryan Thorpe was working with Raj Kundra. Let me assure you that Rajkundra and his accomplices were arrested by the Mumbai Police for serving pornographic content. There was a lot of discussion in Bollywood after the arrest.
Mumbai court grants bail to businessman and actor Shilpa Shetty's husband Raj Kundra in the pornography case on a surety of Rs 50,000
— ANI (@ANI) September 20, 2021
Earlier, Mumbai Police had shared information that the statements of 43 witnesses were recorded in the chartsheet. Among the 43 witnesses are Raj Kundra's wife and actresses Shilpa Shetty and Sherlyn Chopra. According to a report in the Indian Express, Shilpa Shetty told Mumbai police that she was too busy with her work, not knowing what Raj Kundra was doing.
"I don't know about Hotshots or Bollyfame apps," Shilpa said. I was very busy with my work and so I did not know what Kundra was doing. The police claimed in the chargesheet that Kundra used the Mumbai office of Vian Industries for the day-to-day operations of the pornographic video racket.
Mumbai police say Hotshots or Bollyfame were applications through which the accused uploaded pornographic material online. In addition to Shilpa Shetty, there are statements of 42 more witnesses to prove the case against Kundra and Thorpe, some of whom are before a magistrate.
Came up against a WhatsApp group chat
The case came up against a WhatsApp group chat earlier. This group was named H Accounts. The admin of the group was Rajkundra. According to reports, the group had discussions ranging from payment of models to revenue.
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