You Can get free insurance of Rs 2 lakh Under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Vima Yojana.
The e-labor portal for unorganized sector employees was recently launched by the Modi government. In just four weeks, more than 1 crore unorganized employees have registered on the portal. If you have no idea, let us know that the person who registers on this portal will get free accident insurance of Rs. 2 lakhs.
The benefit of this contingency insurance is available under Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Vima Yojana.
Contingency insurance premium for the first year will be credited by the Ministry of Labor upon registration on the e-Labor portal. This insurance plan is a government accidental policy. Under this scheme, any person who is registered in this insurance scheme is given proper compensation in case of accidental death and any injury in the accident. This scheme is renewed every year.
There are three types of benefits available in this scheme. The first benefit is related to accidental death. If the insured dies, the nominee will get Rs 2 lakh. Apart from this, even if a person loses both his arms, legs or eyes in an accident, he will get a benefit of Rs 2 lakh. If he loses sight in one eye or is crippled in one leg or arm, he will get a benefit of Rs 1 lakh.
The annual premium will be Rs. 12:
The annual premium of this plan is only Rs. The scheme is auto renewed every year so it has to be renewed at appropriate time intervals. The minimum age limit for this scheme is 18 years and the maximum age limit is 70 years.
38 crore employees work across the country:
According to various government data, there are about 38 crore employees in the unorganized sector across the country. The aim of the government is to connect all the workers with this platform. The government wants to keep a database of these workers. Registration on this portal is completely free. Registration can be done at any general service center. Apart from this, registration can also be done at the regional office of the state government.
Anyone can register:
Speaking of registration on this portal, any employee of the unorganized sector can register. No criteria have been set based on income. However, a registered employee should not be an income tax payer.
Register by visiting this website:
If anyone wants to register on this portal Login to Here all the information including bank account details are shared. The purpose of the government is to preserve the database of employees by registering them so that the direct benefit of any scheme can be transferred to these people in the near future.
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