Entertainer Shah Rukh Khan's child Aryan Khan won't be set free from the Arthur Road Prison on Friday as the actual duplicate of his delivery request didn't arrive at the 'bail box' outside the jail by 5.30 pm, revealed news organization PTI.
He will go through another night in the prison as we offer "no unique treatment for anybody" a prison official was cited as saying.
"The law is something similar for all. The cutoff time for getting the bail papers was 5.30 pm. That has passed. He will not be delivered today," said the authority.
The statement by the jail official came even as there were signs from Aryan's lawful group that a "slight delay till 7 pm" was conceivable.
The Bombay High Court on Friday made accessible usable request would help Aryan's promoters to get his delivery.
The supporters were to take the guaranteed duplicate of the HC request to the unique court that is hearing the cases identified with the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, alongside the imperative archives and guarantees.
After confirmation, the uncommon court was to give the delivery papers which would have been given over to the Arthur Road jail to get Aryan Khan's delivery.
The court has forced 14 bail conditions on Aryan Khan, making ready for his delivery from prison.
In the five-page request, the high court said that Aryan Khan and his two co-charged – Arbaaz Merchant and Munmun Dhamecha – who were additionally allowed bail, will be delivered on an individual obligation of ₹one lakh each with a couple of guarantees of a similar sum.
The threesome should give up their travel papers under the watchful eye of the unique NDPS court and will not leave India without taking authorization from the extraordinary court and that they should go to the NCB office every Friday to stamp their essence.
The HC had allowed bail to Aryan Khan, 25 days after he was captured during a medication strike on a journey transport off the Mumbai coast.
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