Rajasthan Police Recruitment 2021: The Rajasthan Police is employing 4438 Constable posts for the year 2021-22. The enlistment is being ruined Constable General, Constable Tele-Communication, Constable Driver, Constable General TSP Area, Constable Driver TSP Area and Constable Band TSP Area. Applications are welcomed from qualified up-and-comers from November 10, 2021.
Applicants, who are have cleared tenth class/twelfth class tests and are matured between 18 to 23 years can present the application at the very latest December 3, 2021 on enlistment postal recruitment2.rajasthan.gov.in or at the authority site on police.rajasthan.gov.in.
Rajasthan Police Recruitment 2021: Vacancy Details
Complete Posts - 4438
Constable (General/GD) - Non-TSP 3536, TSP 625
Constable (Driver) - Non-TSP 68, TSP 32
Constable (Tele-Comm.) - Non-TSP 154
Constable (Band) - TSP 23
Rajasthan Police Recruitment 2021: Salary
For a long time - Rs. 14600/ - as fixed compensation
Rajasthan Police Recruitment 2021: Eligibility Criteria
Constable (General/GD): twelfth Class passed from a perceived Board.
Constable (RAC/MBC): tenth Class passed from a perceived Board.
Constable Tele-Communication : twelfth passed with Physics and Maths/Computer Science
Constable Driver - tenth Class passed from a perceived Board and holding a legitimate Driving License (LMV/HMV).
Rajasthan Police Recruitment 2021: Selection Process
Composed Test - 150 Marks (Not relevant for BAND Posts
Actual Efficiency Test and Physical Standard Test
Productivity Test for Driver and BAND Posts
Extraordinary Qualification (Not Applicable for Driver and Band)
Legitimacy List
Clinical trial
Rajasthan Police Recruitment 2021: Age limit
Constable Male GD/Band/Tele Comm. - 18-23 years
Constable Female Gen.Ban/Tele Comm. - 18-28 years
Constable Driver - 18-26 years
Constable Driver Female - 18-31 years
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