Recently, the Delhi and Punjab Police worked together and caught a man named Pappalpreet Singh. He was an important person who worked for a leader named Amritpal Singh. The police had been trying to catch Amritpal Singh for a long time because he is believed to have done many bad things like setting off bombs and attacking security officers. But they couldn't catch him.
Even though they didn't catch Amritpal Singh, catching his helper, Pappalpreet Singh, was still a big success. Pappalpreet Singh had been working with Amritpal Singh for a long time, so he knew a lot about what they were doing.
The police went to a house in Punjab's Tarn Taran district in the early morning to catch Pappalpreet Singh. They found him hiding there. When they got to the house, there was a short fight, but they caught him in the end. The police found lots of dangerous things like guns and explosives in the house. This made them worried about how many other people might be working with Amritpal Singh and how dangerous they might be.
This arrest is a big deal for the police because they hope that Pappalpreet Singh will tell them important things about Amritpal Singh and his group. They think this will help them catch other people who are working with him. The police need to work together to stop terrorism because it is a very serious problem.
In conclusion, catching Pappalpreet Singh is an important success in the fight against terrorism. The Indian government wants to keep people safe, so they will keep working hard to catch people who do bad things. The police found dangerous things during the arrest, which shows how important it is to keep working together to keep people safe.