Heavy rains in Bharuch, Tapi, Narmada, Surat, Valsad, Dang and Chhotaudepur, Ahmedabad districts of Gujarat have led to flood-like conditions. Due to which the government has come into action mode against the heavy rain situation. In this case, Chief Secretary Pankaj Kumar had instructed all the top officials of the district to carry out relief operations with a zero-casualty approach. On the other hand, 24 ministers have been made in-charge in different districts and in the eight districts affected by the floods, the ministers have been instructed to hold meetings with the local administration. With which the ministers have left.
Purnash Modi: Bharuch and Narmada
Mukesh Patel: Tapi
Kanu Desai: Surat and Valsad
Naresh Patel: Dang
Nimishaben Carpenter: Chhotaudepur
Hrishikesh Patel: Ahmedabad
Pankaj Kumar reviewed via video conference from the Emergency Operations Center
Chief Secretary Pankaj Kumar reviewed the preparations through a video conference from the State Emergency Operations Center with top officials of eight districts and got information about the preparations and operations done by one-to-one review with top officials of Bharuch, Tapi, Narmada, Surat, Valsad, Dang and Chhotaudepur districts. . He also requested to be prepared for the disaster plan of the district. He further instructed to make the rescue operations more equipped by making maximum use of technology. The administration was instructed to ensure that all facilities, including health meals, are provided to the affected people by evacuating more and more civilians and keeping them in shelters by keeping local leaders together in places where there is a potentially dire situation.
Five more NDRF teams were dispatched
He added that the situation is being monitored continuously in the next three hours. Five more NDRF teams have been dispatched in this regard. Which will soon join the relief operation. He instructed the entire administration of the district to operate as a team in alert mode. He also directed to immediately provide various assistance including cash dolls to the citizens living in the shelters.
Ministers were given the responsibility of the district in charge
On the other hand, in order to maintain high level supervision in each district, the ministers are assigned tasks by the state government, as a part of which this time the responsibility of the districts has been assigned to the ministers of the state government as ministers in charge. In which 24 ministers have been made in-charge in different districts. The government has alerted the ministers about the heavy rains in eight districts of the state and handed over the responsibility of the district in charge to the ministers. The ministers in charge of Bharuch and Narmada districts have been shifted to Purnash Modi and Mukesh Patel to Tapi and Kanu Desai to Surat and Valsad and Naresh Patel to Dang and Nimishaben Suthar to Chhotaudepur and Rishikesh Patel to Ahmedabad. Jaya ministers have been instructed to hold a meeting with the local administration and give necessary instructions. It is learned that the Chief Minister will visit the flood affected district in the near future.