Mumbai: The Aryan Khan Drugs Case has taken a big turn. A witness has accused NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede of embezzling Rs 8 crore. The witness has claimed that crores of rupees have been taken in this case. The man's name is Prabhakar Radhoji Sail and he has been Kiran Gosavi's bodyguard since July 22, 2021.
Kiran Gosavi is the person who is seen taking Aryan Khan, who was caught in a rave party, to the NCB office. Prabhakar Radhoji Sail is one of the signatories to the Punchnama in this case.
What happened at the party?
According to Prabhakar's statement, on October 2 when the NCB raided the rave party. Kiran was with Gosavi then. Prabhakar said- At 10.30 am when Gosavi called in the boarding area, when I got there I saw Aryan Khan and Moonmoon Dhamecha in a cabin. Then at 12.30 pm Kiran Gosavi along with NCB officials took Aryan Khan to the NCB office in a white Innova car. At 1 o’clock at night Kiran Gosavi asked me to come inside the NCB office. "I want to be a witness in this case," he said.
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Forcibly signed the commission
In this statement, Prabhakar further said, "When I went upstairs, at the request of Sameer Wankhede, an NCB official took my signature on 10 blank papers and also took my Aadhaar card details."
The deal was worth Rs 25 crore
Prabhakar Radhoji Sail went on to say - Shortly after that, Kiran Gosavi, 500 meters away from the NCB office, met a man named Sam D'Souza. Gosavi then got out of his white Innova car and was followed by Sam D'Uza's car. Both cars stopped near the Lower Parel Bridge. Gosavi was constantly talking on the phone with Sam D'Souza while we were leaving. "He has dropped a bomb of Rs 25 crore, now finalize it for Rs 18 crore," Gosavi said. We also have to give Rs 8 crore to Sameer Wankhede.
pooja Dadlani was also Meet Gosavi!
Prabhakar Radhoji Sail also took another name in this case. He further said in the statement- Shortly after, a blue Mercedes car came from which Pooja Dadla got out. Pooja Dadlani, Sam D'Souza and Gosavi sat in the Mercedes car and started talking. After 15 minutes, everyone left. Gosavi and I then approached the ministry. Gosavi was talking to someone and then Vashi left. After going to Vashi, Gosavi asks Taddev to go for a second time and collect Rs 50 lakh from there. Then came a white car numbered 5102, with two bags full of money. I took it and went to Vashi and gave it to Gosavi.
Prabhakar is in danger of death
Prabhakar further said in the statement- Later in the evening Gosavi called me Vashi, gave me a bag full of money and asked me to give it to Sam D'Souza, at 6.15 pm Sam D'Souza called me to Hotel Trident where I took the bag full of money and gave it to him. Kiran Gosavi is missing now and I am afraid that the people of NCB are involved in it, he will not kill me or make me disappear.
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