Bollywood star Malaika Arora as of late graced the arrangements of 'The Kapil Sharma Show' to advance her forthcoming show 'India's Best Dancer 2'. Arora took the spotlight as she amazed in a sequined saree, which was planned by Manish Malhotra.
Be it Indian or western, Malaika can pull of any look with beauty and panache. The Hollywood diva figured out how to make swells online media with her staggering symbol.
Malaika Arora finished her look with articulation hoops and neckpiece. She picked to keep her braids open, which added to her excellence.
Malaika Arora will be viewed as an appointed authority close by Terrence Lewis and Geeta Kapur in 'India's Best Dancer 2'. The dance-put together unscripted TV drama will air with respect to Sony TV on ends of the week.
The 'Chaiyya' young lady overflowed certainty while pausing dramatically for the camera. Her ravishing photographs are a treat to sore eyes, right?
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