No need to worry if someone has added you to WhatsApp Group without your permission. We are going to give you some tips here which will come in handy. Let us know about these WhatsApp Tips.
Nowadays everyone uses WhatsApp Group to stay connected with their friends and family. But the hassle increases when someone adds you to any group without your permission. So now the question arises that how to avoid joining Faltu's group, you will find the answer here. We are going to give you some WhatsApp Tips here. With the help of these tips, you will be able to prevent yourself from joining any WhatsApp group.
Follow these steps to avoid joining WhatsApp group without permission: -
- First open WhatsApp
- Click on the three dots at the top of the ride side
- Go to Settings and tap on Account
- Go to Privacy and tap on Group option
- Here you will find Everyone, My Contacts and My Contacts Except options
- Choose My Contacts Except option from these three
- Now select the contacts that will be able to add you to the group. Apart from these, no one else will be able to add you to any group
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