Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan shared photos of her Kashmir trip with her fans on Sunday. These days Sara is enjoying camping with her friends near Sheshnag Lake in Pahalgam.
In the photos that Sara has shared on social media, she is seen reading a book, eating food and camping with friends near Sheshnag Lake. Sarah captioned the photos with Sunny Rage and Starry Nights.
Let me tell you that Sarah went to Maldives for holiday a few days ago. Here too she was seen chilling with her friends. Sarah shared more than one photo in a bikini from the Maldives that went viral.
Earlier, Sarah had traveled to Leh and Ladakh for vacation. His friends Radhika Madan and Jasleen also went on this trip. From here, Sara shared many photos admiring the beauty of Leh-Ladakh.
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